What's Your Wedding Pet Peeve?

Okay, so I am certainly no Martha Stewart, Emily Post, or Erma Bombeck but I have certainly attended my fair share of weddings, as I am sure all of you ladies who read this site have. However, I have only been in my wedding and my best friend's wedding so formal wedding etiquette is sometimes a bit foreign to me. In fact, my wedding was the first wedding in which I ever took part.

I have been to some of the most lavish weddings I have ever seen, some down-home weddings in which we actually had to serve ourselves because the bartenders were too lazy, a few bridezilla weddings, and several weddings that I only remember bits and pieces of.

The common theme in every wedding though, is that every bride planned her wedding to suit her taste and her budget and every bride made sure that her wedding pet peeve did not interfere with her day.

Some brides did not allow children, a few refused to allow the photographer to take posed photos or

allow the DJ to play the Chicken Dance or the Electric Slide, and I remember one bride specifically demanding not to sweat on a 104 degree day (oops, that was me).
Fess up, were you a demanding bride?


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